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Whist Pack with Baden-Baden Views (1)

This pack has been produced by an unknown German or Belgian maker, most probably in the last quarter of the 19th century.

The Aces show views from Baden-Baden, but two of them are not present in my pack. The other two show
- Villa Benazet / La cascade de Geroldsan (should be 'Geroldsau')
- Château d'Eberstein / Le Château d'Eberstein Vallée de la Morgue (should be 'Mourgue', valley of the river 'Murg').
I like to think that the cards are German, but the typos in the names and the form of the Clubs suit-signs make it more probable that they were made in Belgium.

A typical feature of the cards are the two Queens that have behind them what looks like an arm or back rest of a sofa (Queen of Hearts and Queen of Diamonds). That is why this sort of cards is sometimes called 'cards with sofa queens'. Another feature usually found on a different sort of cards can be seen on the King of Diamonds: On his shoulder is a lion's head. This results in these cards being sometimes called 'lion shoulder cards'. So this is the rare case where we have 'lion shoulder cards with sofa queens'.

© Peter Endebrock, 01 July 2012