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Cego No. 5

This pack was produced around 1890 by Vereinigte Stralsunder Spielkartenfabriken in Stralsund. It is called

The company logo is on the Queen of Clubs, on the Ace of Hearts (not shown here) is a tax stamp from Imperial Germany.

Cego is a Tarock game that was popular in Southern Germany, especially in the Baden region. It is played until today. The trumps of Cego sometimes show animals instead of the scenes used here.

In the first moment you may have the impression that this pack was already shown last month (Tarock from Frankfurt). That was the original, this is a copy. In this pack most of the illustrations on the trumps have been interchanged, with two exceptions (Tarock-5, -17). Sometimes one of them or both are shown mirrored.

The illustrations are repeated on some trumps: Tarock-3 and -17, Tarock-4 and -15, Tarock-5 and 14 as well as Tarock-7 and -16 each show the same illustrations.

If you look closely you can also see differences in details compared to the Tarock by Wüst, e. g. at the left border of thresher picture (here Tarock-7 and -16, compared to Wüst Tarock-18).

On a wall calendar on Tarock-12 you can possibly recognize the date 1867 here.

© Peter Endebrock, 01 July 2020