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Balan, Ernst-Henri, and Radau, Sigmar
Die Berliner Spielkartensteuerstempel des Deutschen Reiches
in: Münzgalerie München, Spielkartenangebot XII,
München, 1988, pp. III/IV
also in: Das Blatt, No. 1, Oct. 1989, pp. 39 - 46
illustrates and describes the different tax stamps used in Berlin from 1879 to 1939.
text in German.
Balan, Ernst-Henri
Die Nummerierung der Stempelstellen im Königreich Preußen bei
Inkrafttreten des Gesetzes, betreffend den Spielkartenstempel für
das ganze Deutsche Reich am 1.I.1879
in: Das Blatt, No. 1, Oct. 1989, pp. 33 - 38
lists the numbers used on playing-card tax stamps in Prussia before 1879 and relates them to locations.
text in German.
Balan, Ernst-Henri, and Radau, Sigmar
Der Steuerstempel auf Spielkarten des "Deutschen Reiches"
im Zeitraum seiner Gültigkeit vom 1.I.1879 bis zum 30.IX.1939
in: Das Blatt, No. 2, May 1990, pp. 26 - 36; No. 4, Oct. 1991,
pp. 60 - 66; No. 5, Apr. 1992, pp. 32 - 52; No. 7, Apr. 1993, pp. 57 - 70;
No. 8, Nov. 1993, pp. 39 - 58; No. 9, May 1994, pp. 37 - 45;
No. 11, Apr. 1995, pp. 64 - 72
a detailed description of playing card tax legislation after the unification of Germany, starting with the stamps used in the different German states around 1875 (with illustrations); the parts published until now cover the time up to 1878.
text in German.
Buchmann, Max
The Taxation of Playing Cards / Die Besteuerung der Spielkarten
in: Die Spielkarte/The Playing Card, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1967, pp. 68
- 70; 72 - 75
on tax legislation in Germany until 1961.
text in English and German.
Endebrock, Peter
Gesetze und Verordnungen zu Spielkarten in Hannover
in: Das Blatt, No. 4, Oct. 1991, pp. 1 - 13
describes playing-card legislation and illustrates tax stamps in the Electorate and the Kingdom of Hannover.
text in German.
there is an updated short online description of the tax stamps with illustrations
Endebrock, Peter
Spielkarten in Hannover
Studien zur Spielkarte Nr. 20, Hannover, 2009
pp. 53 - 75 describe the playing-card legislation and show tax stamps from the Electorate and the Kingdom of Hannover.
text in German.
Endebrock, Peter
Spielkarten im Fürstbistum Hildesheim
in: Das Blatt, No. 42, December 2010, pp. 26 - 57
on pp. 29 - 32 is a description of the tax legislation for playing-cards in the Bishopric Hildesheim.
text in German.
Endebrock, Peter
Spielkarten im Großherzogtum Oldenburg
Studien zur Spielkarte Nr. 39, Hannover, 2017
The tax legislation for playing-cards in the Grandduchy Oldenburg is described on pp. 11 - 37.
text in German.
Endebrock, Peter
Spielkarten in Bremen
Studien zur Spielkarte Nr. 54, Hannover, 2024
The tax legislation and tax stamps for playing-cards in Bremen are described on pp. 13 - 29.
text in German.
Endebrock, Peter, and Platz, Jürgen; Radau, Sigmar
Spielkarten und Kartenmacher in Mannheim und der Kurpfalz
Studien zur Spielkarte Nr. 41, Berlin, 2019
The tax legislation for playing-cards in the Electoral Palatinate is described on pp. 17 - 42, that for the Grandduchy and later Republic Baden is described on pp. 42 - 54.
text in German.
Feindura, Helmut
German Tax Stamps
in: The Playing-Card, Vol. IX, No. 1, Aug.1980, pp. 31 - 32
lists some previously unidentified German tax office numbers.
text in English.
Feindura, Helmut
Sonderstempel auf Spielkarten in Deutschland
in: Das Blatt, No. 3, May 1991, pp. 34 - 37
description of some special stamps used in Germany during WW I.
text in German.
Feindura, Helmut
Die Farbe der Steuerstempel auf Spielkarten im Deutschen Reich
in: Das Blatt, No. 10, Oct. 1994, pp. 80 - 83
on the ink used for tax stamps in Germany (with 3 tax stamps illustrated).
text in German.
Feindura, Helmut
in: Sammler-Journal, 2/95, Feb. 1995, pp. 210 - 215
describes, illustrates and dates tax stamps from Germany and its states.
text in German.
Feindura, Helmut
Spielkartensteuer in der Freien Hansestadt Bremen
in: Das Blatt, No. 14, Dec. 1996, pp. 1 - 9
describes the tax legislation and illustrates two tax stamps from Bremen.
text in German.
Feindura, Helmut
Spiele mit französischen Farben
Bremen, 1997
at the end of the book are nine pages about tax stamps in Germany, with a few illustrations; the main information is a table with the changing of stamp numbers over the time.
text in German.
Hoffmann, Detlef, and Dietrich, Margot
Die Dondorf'schen Luxus-Spielkarten
Harenberg, Dortmund, Germany, 1981
ISBN 3-88379-243-8
pp. 217 - 226 describe and illustrate tax stamps used in Germany and its states before tax unification in 1878. A list of the taxes valid in the individual states in 1877 (taken from a thesis by Werner Stuckmann, 1925) is included.
text in German.
Kaschel, Wilfried
Die Spielkartensteuer in Mecklenburg-Schwerin
in: Das Blatt, No. 16, Nov. 1997, pp. 44 - 58
describes playing-card legislation and illustrates tax stamps in the duchy Mecklenburg-Schwerin.
text in German.
Köger, Annette, and Radau, Sigmar
Spielkarten aus Württemberg. Band 1 Stuttgart
Studien zur Spielkarte Nr. 52, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, 2024
pp. 9 - 72 describe the tax legislation and tax stamps in Württemberg.
text in German.
Kohlmann, Theodor
Berliner Spielkarten
Museum f. Deutsche Volkskunde, Berlin, 1984
ISBN 3-924084-01-7
pp. 9 - 12 describe the tax legislation and tax stamps in Prussia until the middle of the 19th century, illustrated by tax stamps from Berlin.
text in German.
Mann, Silvia
German Tax Stamps after 1878
in: The Playing-Card, Vol. VI, No. 3, Feb. 1978, pp. 82 - 86
the German tax stamps are described and illustrated.
text in English.
Morscheck, Wolfgang
Der Spielkartenstempel aus dem Fürstentum Würzburg von 1806
in: Das Blatt, No. 39, May 2009, pp. 51 - 59
a description of playing-card tax legislation and the stamp from 1806 used in the principality Würzburg.
text in German.
Morscheck, Wolfgang, and Radau, Sigmar
Die Stempelsteuer auf Spielkarten im Großherzogtum Baden
in: Das Blatt, No. 44, Dec. 2011, pp. 48 - 74
a description of playing-card tax legislation in the grand duchy Baden.
text in German.
Radau, Sigmar
Die Besteuerung der Spielkarten in der Pfalz
in: Das Blatt, No. 9, May 1994, pp. 32 - 36
a description of playing-card tax legislation in the Palatium, at that time part of Bavaria.
text in German.
Radau, Sigmar
Die Spielkartensteuerstempel in den Fürstentümern Reuß
in: Münzgalerie München, Spielkartenangebot XXI,
München, 1994, pp. 1 - 16
a description of playing-card tax legislation and illustrations of tax stamps in the two principalities of Reuß.
text in German with abstract in English.
Radau, Sigmar
Die Spielkartensteuer und Spielkartenhersteller in den sächsischen
in: Das Blatt, No. 17, June 1998, pp. 1 - 64
describes playing-card tax legislation and tax stamps in the Duchies Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld, Sachsen-Hildburghausen, and Sachsen-Meiningen (the co-author of the latter two parts is Hilmar Schellin).
text in German.
Radau, Sigmar
Der Dresdner Kartenmacher Gottfried Timmermann
in: Das Blatt, No. 18, Dec. 1998, pp. 1 - 28
an appendix to the article describes playing-card tax legislation and tax stamps in the Königreich Sachsen (Kingdom of Saxony) from 1819 to 1834.
text in German.
Radau, Sigmar
Die Spielkartensteuer im Großherzogtum Hessen (Hessen-Darmstadt)
in: Das Blatt, No. 18, Dec. 1998, pp. 50 - 62
describes playing-card tax legislation and tax stamps in the Grand Duchy Hessen.
text in German.
Radau, Sigmar
Die Spielkartenstempelsteuer im Herzogtum Nassau
in: Münzgalerie München, Spielkartenangebot XXVIII, Joker Journal,
München, 2002, pp. I - XVI
a description of playing-card tax legislation and illustrations of tax stamps in the Duchy Nassau.
text in German.
Radau, Sigmar
Spielkarten aus Weimar - Spielkartensteuer und Kartenmacher
in: Das Blatt, No. 33/34, May 2006, pp. 3 - 35
describes playing-card tax legislation and tax stamps in Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach.
text in German.
Radau, Sigmar
Die Spielkartensteuer in Kursachsen und im Königreich Sachsen
Studien zur Spielkarte Nr. 17, Berlin, 2009
describes playing-card tax legislation and tax stamps in the Electorate and Kingdom Saxony.
text in German.
Radau, Sigmar
Kartenmacher und Spielkartensteuer im Königreich Preußen. Band I - 18. Jahrhundert
Studien zur Spielkarte Nr. 19, Berlin, 2009
describes playing-card tax legislation and tax stamps in the Kingdom of Prussia and its different provinces in the 18th century, together with information on makers from that period (on 200 pages).
text in German.
Radau, Sigmar, and Endebrock, Peter
Spielkarten aus Lüneburg - Spielkartensteuer und Kartenmacher
Studien zur Spielkarte Nr. 22, Berlin, 2010
pp. 11 - 35 describe the playing-card tax legislation and show tax stamps in the Principality Lüneburg.
text in German.
Radau, Sigmar, and Endebrock, Peter
Spielkarten in Braunschweig
Studien zur Spielkarte Nr. 38, Berlin, 2017
pp. 7 - 71 describe the playing-card tax legislation and show tax stamps in the Duchy Braunschweig (Brunswick).
text in German.
Radau, Sigmar, and Endebrock, Peter
Kartenmacher, Spielkartensteuer und andere Mitteilungen. Band 2. Deutsche Gebiete unter französischem Einfluss 1794 bis 1814.
Studien zur Spielkarte Nr. 40, Berlin, 2018
Among other things, the playing-card tax legislation and tax stamps from different German regions under French influence in the time mentioned in the title and sometimes before are described and shown.
text in German.
Radau, Sigmar, and Himmelheber, Georg
Spielkarten. Kataloge des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums Bd. 21
Deutscher Kunstverlag, München, 1991
ISBN 3-422-06079-0
pp. 11 - 26 contain a description of the tax legislation and the tax stamps used in Bavaria; most tax stamps are illustrated.Schultz, Klaus-Jürgen, and Büchler, Frieder
text in German.
pp. 8 - 10 give information on playing-card tax legislation in Hamburg; the tax stamps are illustrated.
text in German.