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Hinrup, Hans Jørgen
Maerkede kort - Spillekort, privilegier og beskatning
in: Zise, Told- og Skattehistorisk Tidsskrift
Vol. 33, 2010, No. 2 - 3, pp. 69 - 81
an overview of playing-card taxation in Denmark, with illustrations of privilege and tax stamps as well as tax labels and adhesive tax stamps.
Text in Danish.
Jensen, K. Frank
Playing cards in Denmark
private publication, 1979
p. 24 illustrates the Danish tax stamps with dates.
Jensen, K. Frank
Ruder Es - Om spillekortbeskatning i Danmark
Ouroboros, 1986
ISBN 87-87976-08-0
an introduction to the Danish tax system for playing-cards, shows the different tax stamps and adhesive stamps and gives their dates.
text in Danish with English summary.
Poulsen, Peter
Danish Playing Card Tax Stamps
in: Luren, Scandinavian Philatelic Library of Southern California,
Vol. 19, No. 4, Apr. 1987, pp. 3 - 4
(no information available)
text in English.
Poulsen, Peter
Catalogue of Scandinavian Revenue Stamps, Vol. II, Denmark
Claremont, CA, 1989
ISBN 0-929850-00-9
pp. 45 - 48 describe the Danish tax stamps and the adhesive stamps used on playing-card wrappers.
text in English.