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Cremers, Filip
Belasting is Troef
Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart, 1992
pp. 71 - 129 describe the tax system in different countries; pp. 131 - 139 describe the tax legislation in the Netherlands, pp. 141 - 172 that in Belgium; the book contains an extensive bibliography on playing-card taxes and related topics.
text in Dutch, with summaries for the Netherlands and Belgium in English and French.
Janssen, Han
De geschiedenis van de speelkaart
Elmar, Rijswijk, Netherlands, 1985
ISBN 90-6120-467-4
pp. 208 - 212 give information on playing-card taxes and tax stamps in different countries, together with many illustrations; pp. 213 - 217 treat the Netherlands.
text in Dutch, with English translation for illustration captions.
Kaplan, Stuart R.
The Encyclopedia of Tarot, Volume II
U.S. Games Systems, Inc., New York 10016, U.S.A., 1986
ISBN 0-913866-36-9
pp. 231 - 255 describe and illustrate tax stamps from Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, und the USA; for Germany and Italy, examples for some pre-unification states are also shown.
text in English.
Mann, Sylvia
Collecting Playing Cards
Howard Baker Press, London, 1979
ISBN 0-7030-0145-0
pp. 194 - 200 describe the tax stamps and duty aces used in Great Britain, Austria, Germany, and Italy.
text in English.
Mann, Sylvia
Alle Karten auf den Tisch/All Cards on the Table
Part 1: Descriptions
Jonas Verlag, Marburg, Germany, 1990
ISBN 3-922561-98-5
the book contains information on tax stamps in most countries where they were in use: Italy (p. 51) and its regions (pp. 22 - 38), Spain (p. 54), Portugal (p. 59), German states before unification (pp. 68 - 75), Germany (pp. 85 - 87), Austria/Hungary/Czechoslovakia (pp. 94 - 97), Poland and Yugoslavia (p. 97), France (pp. 119 - 120), Great Britain (pp. 128 - 130), Netherlands (p. 150), Norway (p. 159), Russia (pp. 160 - 161), Switzerland (pp. 168 - 169).
text in English and German.
Segeth, Uwe-Volker
Battenberg-Verlag, München, Germany, 1986
ISBN 3-87045-218-8
pp. 72 - 78 describe the tax system and tax stamps in several countries (France, Great Britain, Netherlands, Austria, Denmark, Spain, Russia, and Germany), some stamps are illustrated.
text in German.