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Playing-Card Tax Stamps from Brazil

In Brazil, special playing-card stamps or regular consumption tax stamps were used to seal the packages.

José Luiz G. Pagliari has prepared a table with an overview of the dates and values of the stamps.

These are stamps used from 1899. The text is 'IMPOSTO DE CONSUMO', 'Cartas de jogar', 'E.U. do BRAZIL', and the value is 500 Reis. Catalogues state that the green stamp was used for locally made cards, and the red stamp for imported cards, but José Luiz G. Pagliari has sent a scan of a green stamp on an imported pack.

These stamps were used around 1910. The text is 'BRAZIL', 'CONSUMO', 'CARTAS DE JOGAR', and the value is again 500 Reis. Again, the green stamp was used for locally made cards, and the red stamp for imported cards.
The green stamp has a black cancel by a playing-card factory, 'Fabrica Lafayette'.

This is a stamp used from 1923 to 1935. The text is 'BRASIL' and 'CONSUMO', and the value is 1000 Reis.
Green stamps were used for locally produced cards, red stamps for imported cards. This is from a pack made by C.P.P.A.G. (Comp. Paulista de Papeis e Artes Graphicas).

These stamps were used from 1936 to 1938. The text is the same. The value of the green stamp (for locally made cards) is again 1000 Reis, that of the red stamp (for imported cards) is 2000 Reis.
The main difference from the previous stamp (besides minor details) is the staff of Mercury in the design, instead of the woman's head. The staff can be clearly seen on the red stamp.
The green stamp is from a pack made by Fabrica Caxias.
(both from a scans by José Luiz G. Pagliari)

This stamp was used from 1938. The text is 'BRASIL', and the value is 1000 Reis.
Two of these stamps were used together for imported cards.


This is a sort of consumption tax stamp used around 1940. It was also used for playing-cards. The text is 'CONSUMO' and 'BRASIL', and the value is 2000 Reis.
This stamp was used for imported cards.
(from a scan by José Luiz G. Pagliari)

This is a sort of consumption tax stamps used from 1943 to the 1970s. They were used for playing-cards until around 1960. The text is again 'BRASIL', and the value is 3,00 Cruzeiros.
The stamp was used for cards produced in Brazil (by COPAG, if you know it, you may possibly see it in the overprint).

Individual federal states also have had taxes on playing cards. The following is a tax band used to seal packs of playing-cards in the state of Pará.


This tax band was in use around 1920.
The text is 'ESTADO do PARÁ' (state of Pará), 'IMPOSTO de CONSUMO' (excise tax), 'BARALHO' (pack of playing-cards), and a value ('REIS 500').
(scanned by Pedro Goulart Gontijo)

© Peter Endebrock, 03 Juney 20076