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Playing-Card Tax Stamps from Poland

This stamp was most probably used in a part of Poland between 1815 and 1831.
The value is 'ZLOTYCH 3'.
(scanned by Klaus-Jürgen Schultz)

When Poland was under German administration in WWI, a stamp for playing-cards was used that you can see on the Germany page.

Many details of the following information are from Darius Machalek.

This stamp was in use in Poland from 1920 to 1930.


This is another stamp that was in use in Poland from 1920 to 1930 for playing-cards produced in Warsaw and stamped by Stamp Duty Office in Warsaw. The text is illegible.
(from a scan by Klaus-Jürgen Schultz)


This stamp was in use in Poland for all packs of playing-cards from 1930 to 1931.
The design is similar to the first one for 1920 to 1930 shown above, the text is 'STEMPEL OD KART DO GRY' again, but the eagle has a different look (that changed for other official documents in 1927).


From 1931 to 1939 the tax stamp exists in three versions; they all have the white eagle on red ground in the middle. For packs with up to 36 cards the text ('STEMPEL OD KART DO GRY') and the rim are blue (like in the previous stamp), for packs with more than 36 cards they are green (as on the left), and for cards made of other material than paper they are yellow.
(scanned by Darius Machalek).


These stamps were in use in Poland from c. 1940 to 1944, under German occupation (in the 'Generalgouvernement').
The text is still 'STEMPEL OD KART DO GRY', but in the middle is only a red dot instead of the eagle. The meaning of the rim colour is the same as before in Poland.


This is another stamp in use in Poland under German occupation.
Normally, just this stamp is on the Ace of Hearts, but I have a pack in my collection with an additional stamp from occupied Czechoslovakia ('Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren') on the same card. You can see it on the Czechoslovakia page, it is the 'Zollamt Zlin (Mähren)' stamp.


These stamps were in use in Poland from February 1947.
The text is 'STEMPEL OD KART DO GRY' again, and in the middle is now a (different) eagle again.
Besides the stamps with the blue and green rim there are also two (unknown) stamps for cards not made of paper.
(both stamps scanned by Kay Stolzenburg)

It is yet unknown when staming of playing-cards ended in Poland.

The stamp was on the Ace of Hearts for French-suited cards and on the Deuce of Hearts or on the Eight of Bells for German-suited cards.

In addition, there were adhesive bands to seal the packs.

This seal was in use in Poland c. 1925, it was around the pack with the second tax stamp above.
This seal was in use in Poland under German occupation during WWII. It went together with the two stamps from German occupation shown above.

© Peter Endebrock, 01 March 2025