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Playing-Card Tax Stamps from Romania

This stamp was in use in Romania probably around 1920.
The text is 'REGIA MONOPOLURILOR STATULUI' (State's Monopoly Authority), and the value is '4 LEI'.
(from a scan by Carsten Mintert)


These stamps were in use in Romania presumably around 1925.
The text is 'REGIA MONOPOLURILOR STATULUI' (State's Monopoly Authority) again, and the value is '50 LEI' resp. '140 LEI'.
Note that there is an additional inner circle in the stamps as compared to the previous stamp.


This stamp was in use in Romania most probably around 1940.
The text is 'LEGIA DIN MARTIE 1900' (Law of March 1900), 'DEBITE I' (Office I), and 'CAM', an abbreviation for 'Cassa Autonomà a Monopolurilor' (Autonomous Fund for the Monopoly). This fund was introduced in 1929, which leaves the question why the law of 1900 is mentioned on the stamp.


This is another stamp from Romania which I cannot date (except that it was most probably used between the two World Wars).
The text is 'CARTI DI JOC', and 'DEBITE', and in the middle is again the abbreviation 'CAM', see above.
(from a scan by Karl Weberpals)

The stamp was on the Ace of Hearts.
There were packs produced especially for Romania (e. g. in Austria) that had the abbreviation 'CAM' in the back design, too.

The following detailed information about the tax was used as a sealing band. It was around the pack with the '50 LEI' stamp above.

The text is 'Monopolul Càrtilor de Joc' (Monopoly of Playing Cards), and 'CÀRTI DE JOC PENTRU DEBIT CAL. I LEI 50' (most probably something like 'Playing cards [for] Retail [shop/office], quality I, 50 Lei'). Below that are details of some extra taxes:
pentru familia luptatorilor (for the Family of Fighters) Lei 4
pentru societatea invalizilor (for the Association of Disabled) Lei 4
pentru soc. ocrotirea orfanilor de rezboi (for the Association for the Protection of War Orphans)   Lei 4
TOTAL Lei 62
(explanation here and for the next band by Thierry Depaulis)

The following sealing band was glued to the inside of the double pack box for two packs with the stamp presumed to be from around 1940.

The text is 'C.A.M.' (as explained above), 'Monopolul Càrtilor de Joc' (Monopoly of Playing Cards), and 'CARTI DE JOC BRIDGE DEBITE Cal. I No. 3' (most probably 'Bridge Playing cards [for] Retail [shop/office], quality I, No. 3'). The addition on the right is the total of tax paid with details of some extra taxes:
(basic tax) Lei 140
pentru soc. invalizilor (for the Association of Disabled) Lei 4
pentru Familia luptatorilor (for the Family of Fighters) Lei 4
pentru soc. ocrot. orfanilor de razboi (for the Association for the Protection of War Orphans)   Lei 4
(Subtotal) Lei 152
timbru pentru aviatie (stamp tax for the Air Force) Lei 20
TOTAL Lei 172

The sealing band below was on the package of a pack without tax stamp, which is similar to the one described before. I suspect that it is also from around 1940.
Here two tax law dates are mentioned: '7 February 1929' on the left, and '1 July 1930' on the right. The full name of the CAM is given in the middle as 'CASSA AUTONOMA A MONOPOLURILOR REGATULUI ROMANIEI'.

© Peter Endebrock, 12 June 2017