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Playing-Card Tax Stamps from Sweden

These stamps were in use in Sweden from 1836 to 1842. They were used together.
The text of the left one is 'KORT BEVILLLINGS ST.' and the manufacturer's town. The right one has the town again and the text 'KORT HALL STÄMP.' (or 'STÄMPEL' if the town's name is short).
(scanned by Anders Gustafsson)

This stamp was in use in Sweden from 1872 to 1960.
The text is 'MANUF. STÄMPEL' and the manufacturer's town.


This stamp was used in Sweden for Patience packs.
The text is 'PATIENCE' and 'KORT'. I am not quite sure whether this was actually a tax stamp.
(scanned by Christian de Ryck)


This stamp was used for imported cards from 1855 to c. 1940.
The text is 'UTLÄNDSK TILLVERKNING' (foreign production).


This is a later stamp for imported cards, used from the 1920s to the 1940s.
Part of the text is missing, it is again 'UTLÄNDSK TILLVERKNING', but in the middle is the name of the importation place 'Göteborg'.
(scanned by Christian de Ryck)


This is another stamp for imported cards, used from the 1930s to the 1950s.
The text is again 'UTLÄNDSK TILLVERKNING', but the middle part is empty.

The stamp was on the Ace of Hearts.

Because of the long usage of the stamps they will not help much in dating cards. Some Swedish manufacturers however had an additional stamp or imprint with their name and a date on the card.

In addition, there was a tax wrapper in Sweden. Different designs were used.

This wrapper was in use from 1872 to 1892.
(scanned by Anders Gustafsson)

From 1892 to 1896, the tax was doubled from 75 Öre to 1 Krone 50 Öre.


This wrapper was in use from 1919 to 1960.
An identical smaller wrapper was used for patience cards. I am showing an example for an imported pack.

A similar wrapper with the value 50 Öre (instead of 1 Krone) was in use from 1896 to 1919.

© Peter Endebrock, 03 March 2013