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In the following, you will find information on taxes and tax stamps used for playing-cards. The idea is to help in identifying and dating playing-cards.
Not all the stamps shown here were used for playing-card taxes in a narrower sense,
sometimes the money went to a charitable institution like the Red Cross, an orphanage,
a widows' support institution, or something similar. I am using the term 'tax stamp' nevertheless.
Tax stamps may lead you to wrong conclusions because
(1) | Packs were usually stamped when they were marketed: the cards may have been printed years or even decades earlier than the stamp indicates. |
(2) | Stamps were often used until they were no longer usable/available: the cards may have been produced much later than the stamp indicates. |
(3) | Packs were stamped in the country of use, not in the country of production: the pack may have been printed in a different country than the stamp indicates. |
The material is arranged by country. I am aware that this does not always reflect the present political situation, but I think that the stamps might possibly be found easiest in the order chosen.
For many countries, there are examples of the tax stamps used, together with
dating information, if I know it. These may be stamps or imprints on the
cards themselves or adhesive stamps used on the packaging. The examples
are taken from my own collection, or from museum collections I have access to.
A lot of stamps came from helpful people on the net that contributed.
A few scans were grabbed from the Internet. Several of the scans might be
better, but I hope that they at least give an impression.
The scale of the illustrations may differ, even on the same web page.
On some pages I mention publications that are not primarily interesting in conjunction with playing-card taxes, but they show individual stamps that are not (yet) present on these pages. If you need exact bibliographic information for those publications, you can either consult the Bibliography page of the Playing-card FAQ, or you can send an e-mail to me.
In addition, there are annotated lists of reference material with respect to taxes and tax stamps on playing-cards. Please note that many of the publications cover a wider range of topics, the annotations refer to the tax and tax stamp angle.
The sources in the lists are mainly publications in my own possession and some others that from their title suggest that they deal with playing-card taxes and tax stamps. In addition, I got some input from people on the net that contributed sources.
At the end is a separate section that covers literature that contains information for several countries. Most of that will also be mentioned within the section for each individual country.
You will notice that I also put in countries of which I know or have reason to assume that they used tax stamps, but for which I have no examples or references (except perhaps those in the 'general' section).
Please keep in mind that for detailed investigations it might be sensible and necessary to consult some of the references given.
I will try to add information in the future. Anybody who is willing to contribute is welcome.
The people that have so far contributed by literature hints, copies,
corrections, and stamps are:
Wolfgang Altfahrt,
Pascual Francisco Antolí,
Abdülhamid Arslaner,
Lee Asher,
Steve Bacon,
Dave Backovitch,
Zoltán Bánki,
Zvi Beghtz,
Torsten Bille,
Eugen Bruhin,
Frieder Büchler †,
Paul Cardwell,
Augusto Conti,
Mariann Árpádné Csatlós,
John Dahl,
Jean Darquenne,
Thierry Depaulis,
Christian de Ryck,
Giles du Boulay,
Helmut Feindura †,
Régis Fermet,
Virgilio Ferrari,
Olivier Georg,
Bill Gerlach †,
Andrey Golubev,
Pedro Goulart Gontijo,
Massimo Grossi,
Anders Gustafsson,
Walter Haas,
Brendon T. Hansen,
Rudolf Hasenpflug,
Manfred Hausler,
Rhonda Hawes,
Jeffrey Hope,
Malcolm Hutson,
Eric Jackson,
Johan Jacobs,
Antal Jánoska,
Uwe Klötzke,
Ulrich Knüpfer,
Michael Krüger,
Christoph Leifer,
Lim se hwan,
Tom Tadfor Little,
Ken Lodge,
Donn Lueck,
Darius Machalek,
Niki Märzweiler,
Gerd Matthes,
Jens Meder,
Carsten Mintert,
Gianni Monzali,
Wolfgang Morscheck (Bad Säckingen),
Wolfgang Morscheck (Wülfrath),
André Müller,
José Manuel Murcia,
Paul A. Nelson,
George Olson,
José Luiz G. Pagliari,
Kristin Patterson,
Mario Peronja,
Bogdan Petrovic,
Pascal Pette,
Andrea Pollett,
Jim Polyzotis,
Michel Puaud,
Sigmar Radau,
Chris Rayner,
Klaus-Jürgen Schultz,
Ralph Scotoni,
Vladislav Sedivy,
Thomas Siemering,
John Sings,
Chaichana Sorasing,
Domenico Starna,
Franziska Sticht,
Kay Stolzenburg,
Sasha Sukhorukov,
Paul Symons,
Claudio Talacci,
John Thorpe,
Manlio Tosi,
Daphne Tregear,
Gejus van Diggele,
Karl Weberpals,
Christian Weidling,
Jan Wessels,
Simon Wintle,
Michael Zolno.
Any errors or omissions are mine -- please notify me (peter@endebrock.de) of any corrections or suggestions on how the material may be better arranged.
The last column of the table gives the date of the latest change. Dates in red colour are changes after 01 January 2025.
You can click on many of the images to get a more detailed view, watch your cursor!
Albania | stamps and dates | 20 05 2006 |
Algeria | stamps and dates |
01 04 2011 |
Angola | stamps and dates see Portugal |
08 02 2009 |
Argentina |
stamps and dates
sealing bands references | 13 06 2017 30 03 2013 02 04 2008 |
Australia | reason for including this country. | 15 02 2015 |
Austria |
stamps and dates
sealing bands (Verschlussmarken) strange overprints table of values and dates for 1882 to 1939 references | 01 03 2025 21 07 2019 16 06 2017 02 12 2000 02 03 2021 |
Belgium | references | 12 01 1999 |
Bosnia |
for including this country.
references | 06 06 2018 06 06 2018 |
Brazil |
stamps and dates
table of dates and values references | 03 06 2007 23 03 2000 23 06 2002 |
Bulgaria | stamps and dates | 09 10 2005 |
Canada |
stamps and dates
references | 07 05 2014 05 05 2002 |
Chile | stamps and dates | 17 10 2013 |
Colombia |
stamps and dates law from 1946 on consumption taxes | 20 05 2006 21 01 2002 |
Cuba |
stamps and dates
references | 09 10 2006 06 09 1999 |
Cyprus | stamps and dates | 12 10 2009 |
Czechoslovakia |
stamps and dates,
see also
references | 30 03 2013 17 06 2007 |
Danzig, Freie Stadt | stamps and dates see Germany |
04 03 2021 |
Denmark |
stamps and dates
references | 31 01 2025 03 04 2011 |
Egypt |
stamps and dates
references | 12 06 2017 31 01 1999 |
Eritrea | stamps and dates see Italy |
28 05 2005 |
Estonia | stamps and dates | 10 12 2011 |
Finland |
stamps and dates
references | 18 12 2005 03 11 2001 |
France |
stamps and dates
tax bands references | 10 06 2011 10 06 2011 12 10 2009 |
Germany |
stamps and dates
from individual states
stamps and dates from after unified tax legislation stamps and dates (German Empire, 1879 to 1918) extra stamps from WWI non-tax stamps list of some tax office numbers references | 03 03 2021 04 03 2021 08 12 2010 30 01 2025 30 01 2025 24 01 1999 01 03 2025 |
Great Britain |
stamps and dates
tax wrappers references | 26 11 2014 01 03 2015 21 07 2007 |
Greece | stamps and dates | 01 03 2025 |
Hungary |
stamps and dates,
see also
table of values and dates for 1906 to 1946 sealing bands references | 13 12 2019 07 10 2000 13 12 2019 15 10 2000 |
Indochina | stamps and dates | 01 04 2011 |
Iran | stamps and dates | 26 11 2014 |
Iraq | reason for including this country. | 10 02 2011 |
Israel (and Palestine) | stamps and dates | 07 09 2004 |
Italy |
stamps and dates from individual states
stamps and dates from after unification table of stamps, dates, and values unidentified stamps references | 11 04 2019
03 03 2021 24 01 1999 26 01 2019 08 03 2021 |
Japan |
stamps and dates
references | 08 04 2019 05 05 2002 |
Jordan | stamps and dates | 19 10 2002 |
Latvia | stamps and dates | 04 01 2012 |
Lebanon | stamps and dates | 01 05 2006 |
Lithuania | stamps and dates | 23 02 2013 |
Luxemburg |
stamps and dates
references | 09 09 2002 12 01 1999 |
Mexico | reason for including this country. | 28 12 1998 |
Netherlands |
stamps and dates
references | 03 03 2021 12 01 1999 |
New Zealand |
stamps and dates
references | 30 01 2025 12 02 2016 |
Norway |
stamps and dates
references | 18 10 2013 18 10 2013 |
Panama | stamps and dates | 30 05 2013 |
Papal States | stamps and dates | 26 11 2014 |
Paraguay | stamps and dates | 10 09 2001 |
Peru | stamps and dates | 27 08 2010 |
Philippines |
stamps and dates
references | 12 06 2005 12 06 2005 |
Poland |
stamps and dates
references see general section | 01 03 2025 |
Portugal |
stamps and dates
references | 14 06 2017 06 11 2010 |
Puerto Rico | reason for including this country. | 10 02 2011 |
Romania | stamps and dates | 30 01 2025 |
Russia |
stamps and dates
references | 31 01 2025
22 03 2003 |
San Marino |
stamps and dates
references table of dates and values | 30 01 2025 12 10 2009 01 10 2009 |
Serbia | stamps and dates, see also Yugoslavia | 23 10 2011 |
Slovakia | stamps and dates | 17 05 2008 |
South African Union |
stamps and dates
references | 30 01 2025 30 01 2025 |
South Korea | stamps and dates | 26 11 2014 |
Spain |
stamps and dates
references | 03 03 2021 22 10 2001 |
Sweden |
stamps and dates
references | 03 03 2013 13 08 2021 |
Switzerland |
stamps and dates
references | 31 01 2025 16 01 2012 |
Syria | stamps and dates | 01 05 2006 |
Thailand | stamps and dates | 01 03 2015 |
Tunisia | stamps and dates | 09 02 2009 |
Turkey |
stamps and dates
references | 09 02 2009 21 07 2019 |
Uruguay |
stamps and dates
references law from 1949 | 18 02 2006 30 12 2010 21 01 2002 |
U.S.A. |
stamps and dates
stamps and dates (individual states) references | 27 07 2011 12 10 2018 17 01 2004 |
Virgin Islands (U.S.) | stamps and dates | 31 10 2001 |
Yugoslavia |
stamps and dates, see also
references see general section | 16 06 2017 |
| ||
General | references | 12 01 1999 |
Help wanted! | ||
Unidentified | stamps | 15 06 2017 |
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